Bouquet with 6 artificial blue grape hyacinths - beautiful and lifelike decoration
Perlehyacint buket af 6

Bouquet of 6 blue grape hyacinths

A beautiful bouquet of 6 artificial blue grape hyacinths, bringing the freshness of spring into your home all year round. Lifelike design with delicate details makes them an elegant choice for any vase. Perfect for decoration, gifts, or an everlasting floral favorite.
99,95 DKK

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Bouquet of 6 blue grape hyacinths

Bouquet of 6 blue grape hyacinths

A beautiful bouquet of 6 artificial blue grape hyacinths, bringing the freshness of spring into your home all year round. Lifelike design with delicate details makes them an elegant choice for any vase. Perfect for decoration, gifts, or an everlasting floral favorite.
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